We Proudly Represent Veterans Across The United States.

Do you or a family member need assistance in your fight to secure VA disability benefits?

Our firm is Veteran-owned and operated, and our team of experienced attorneys work exclusively with Veterans in an effort to help them receive the benefits they truly deserve.

It doesn’t matter where or when you served, what branch of the military you were in, or even where you live now, our attorneys are accredited to represent Veterans across the United States and have done so for decades.

Click below now for a free consultation.

We Proudly Represent Veterans Across The United States.

Do you or a family member need help in your fight to secure VA disability benefits?

We’re Veteran-owned and operated and our team of experienced attorneys work exclusively with Veterans to help them receive the benefits they truly deserve.

It doesn’t matter where or when you served, what branch of the military you were in or even where you live now, our team is accredited to represent Veterans across the United States and we’ve done so for decades.

Click below now for a free consultation!

Our Recent Victories for Veterans

Retroactive Veteran's Disability Benefits
$ 250000

We proudly assisted our client, a disabled Army Veteran from Greenfield, TN, in his effort to obtain retroactive benefits at a 100% rating from 1994 forward. He rated at 50% for the entire 20+ year active appeal, but through dedication and perseverance, we were able to successfully show that he was improperly rated for that entire period of time.

Retroactive Veteran's Disability Benefits
$ 250000

Our client, a disabled Navy Veteran from Stedman, NC was in dire need of retroactive benefits at a 100% rating from 1999 onward. He rated at 30% for the active appeal and we successfully proved that he was improperly rated, securing the outcome he deserved.

Retroactive Veteran's Disability Benefits
$ 250000

Our client, a disabled Army and Army National Guard Veteran was looking to obtain a service connection for PTSD at a 70% rating and a service connection for TDIU at 100%. We fought to help him receive not only a 100% combined rating, but over $3,000 in Veteran’s Monthly Compensation.

Retroactive Veteran's Disability Benefits
$ 250000

We proudly assisted our client, a homeless, disabled, Army Veteran by working to submit evidence of an opinion obtained by medical experts proving that his mental health was severely aggravated during the time of his service. Due to this, our client was granted 100% permanent and total, with an approximate amount of $3,000 in monthly compensation.

Veterans Cases We Handle |

Camp Lejeune
Water Contamination

Since 1942, Camp Lejeune has served as the home for thousands of service members and their families. 

In the 1980’s, environmental testing discovered that the water supply used by residents and employees was dangerously contaminated. The contaminated water has now been linked to multiple different types of cancer and various diseases.

With a presumption of service connection possible for Veterans, it’s time for those who unjustly suffered to receive the compensation that they truly deserve.

Veterans Cases We Handle |

Total Disability Based On Individual Unemployability

Total Disability based on Individual Unemployability, known more commonly as TDIU, works to actively help Veterans who cannot obtain gainful employment due to a disability related to military service.

A TDIU rating does not necessarily guarantee that a Veteran has also subsequently been granted a 100% disability rating. Often, Veterans qualify for TDIU if a service-connected disability prevents them from employment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Does It Cost To Hire You?

It does not cost you anything to hire our Veterans Benefits Law Firm as your attorneys. Our firm works on a contingency fee basis, which means you do not owe us anything unless we win you an award. Our firm charges 20%, which is deducted by the VA from your lump sum payment for retroactive benefits.

How Long Will It Take To Appeal My Benefits Denial?

While it can take six months or more for a Veteran to receive a decision on his or her initial benefits claim from the Department of Veterans Affairs, appeals could take 2 years of more. The Department of Veterans Affairs lacks the funding to properly staff and process benefits applications. The number of applications from recently returning Veterans must be dealt with while the Department of Veterans Affairs continues to actively work towards providing services to prior generations of Veterans.

How Do I Increase My Disability Rating?

Great question! If the condition that you are actively receiving disability benefits for has now ultimately worsened over time, you can file an increased rating claim. It’s simple, and it involves filing out an online claim form or mailing a letter to your regional office documenting the change in your condition.

Veterans Cases We Handle |

Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury

A Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a condition that is sadly becoming increasingly frequent with Veterans, especially the brave men & women who proudly served in Iraq and Afghanistan.  

Signs and symptoms of a TBI can include: attention issues, headaches, vision impairment, dizziness, nausea. 

These types of injuries most typically occur due to close or open head injuries in combat, due to shrapnel or other severe impacts. Veterans that are currently suffering from a TBI can qualify for benefits after they’ve gone through both a mental and emotional evaluation. 

Veterans Cases We Handle |

Stress Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is common in Veterans who were involved in and exposed to high-stress, traumatic events during their military service. 

PTSD can dramatically decrease the quality of life for a Veteran, and it can turn every day into a nightmare, with even the most routine actions triggering horrific symptoms. 

PTSD is diagnosed on a spectrum ranging from mild to severe. Often, Veterans will have more severe cases of PTSD than they’re initially diagnosed with, which in turn, makes them eligible for additional benefits. 

Meet Our Veteran-Led Legal Team

Donald W. Marcari, Marcari, Veterans

Donald W. Marcari

Senior Managing Partner

David Russotto


Dawson Rouse


And Our Accredited Claims Agents

Kristen Swinson

Accredited Claims Agent

Accredited Claims Agent

Amanda Medina

Accredited Claims Agent

Heather Dropp

Accredited Claims Agent

Morgan Burdette

Accredited Claims Agent

Schedule a Free Consultation Today!

Once We've Received Your Submission, We Will Reach Out To You. Thanks!

Veterans Cases We Handle |

Military Sexual Trauma

Veterans that were sexually assaulted during their time in the military, or, was a victim of repeated sexual harassment more than likely have a case for Military Sexual Trauma (MST). 

This can also include sexual acts that took place without proper consent or where the individual felt violated or threatened. 

It’s important to us that any Veteran in this situation has their situation handled with the privacy, respect, and dignity that it deserves. 

Veterans Cases We Handle |

Burn Pits

Burn pits were commonly used by the military in both Afghanistan and Iraq to rid sites of common military and non-military waste. 

Troops were unfortunately exposed to open-air waste disposal that consisted of burning chemicals, paint, medical & human waste, munitions, petroleum, plastic, rubber, wood, and discarded food. 

The troops at these locations witnessed thick black smoke and constant streams of dust coming from these pits. 

The VA has estimated that over 3.5 million Veterans were exposed to burn pits. 

Read Some Of Our Recent Blog Posts!

We Can Represent You Anywhere

All communication with the Department of Veterans Affairs can be conducted remotely; personal appearances are not required. 

Our law firm is accredited by the Department of Veterans Affairs to assist Veterans anywhere across the United States. 

Furthermore, our clients do not need to go to a physical location or visit an office to receive our help. If there are any medical visits that are applicable to your claim, you can be seen at a facility that is close to your home. So, no matter where you are, if you need help, we’re here to fight for you the same way that you bravely fought to protect us. Call us now! (866) 866-VETS.