Marcari Russotto Spencer Balaban, Donald Marcari, MRSB Law Firm

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VA Form 21-0833

VA Form 21-0833 is known as a Veteran’s Supplemental Claim for Compensation. 

This form is used by the Department of Veterans Affairs with other claim forms. 

It will allow the Department of Veterans Affairs to gain more information about the Veteran to determine their eligibility for benefits through the VA. 

This short form requires some information about the applicant, including their full name, VA file number, social security number, and contact information. 

The next section requires information about the claim being submitted. 

There are several options for the filer to choose from. 

The claimant should choose the most relevant option and then detail why they would like this claim evaluated. 

This form must be signed before it is reviewed by the Department of Veterans Affairs. 

Click below to download VA Form 21-0833 now.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Does It Cost To Hire You?

It does not cost you anything to hire our Veterans Benefits Law Firm as your attorneys. Our firm works on a contingency fee basis, which means you do not owe us anything unless we win you an award. Our firm charges 20%, which is deducted by the VA from your lump sum payment for retroactive benefits.

How Long Will It Take To Appeal My Benefits Denial?

While it can take six months or more for a Veteran to receive a decision on his or her initial benefits claim from the Department of Veterans Affairs, appeals could take 2 years of more. The Department of Veterans Affairs lacks the funding to properly staff and process benefits applications. The number of applications from recently returning Veterans must be dealt with while the Department of Veterans Affairs continues to actively work towards providing services to prior generations of Veterans.

How Do I Increase My Disability Rating?

Great question! If the condition that you are actively receiving disability benefits for has now ultimately worsened over time, you can file an increased rating claim. It’s fairly simple, and it involves filing out an online claim form or mailing a letter to your regional office documenting the change in your condition.

View Our Office Locations Below!

All communication with the Department of Veterans Affairs can be conducted remotely; personal appearances are not required. 

Our law firm is accredited by the Department of Veterans Affairs to assist Veterans anywhere across the United States. 

Furthermore, our clients do not need to go to a physical location or visit an office to receive our help. If there are any medical visits that are applicable to your claim, you can be seen at a facility that is close to your home. So, no matter where you are, if you need help, we’re here to fight for you the same way that you bravely fought to protect us. 

Call us now! (866) 866-VETS.

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